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Natalia Ivanova

Founder and CEO

Meet our
Founder and CEO

“As someone who came from a family of humble beginnings, I have a deep appreciation for effort resulting in wealth and I am grateful that today I can help young professionals and business owners to turn their finances into a resource that helps them to build a solid wealth foundation early in life. My career journey begins on a farm in Ukraine, quite far from State street in Boston and Midtown Manhattan in New York. Childhood in beautiful Ukraine was paradise, but as I grew up, I saw a lot of challenges. By the time my brother and I were adults, my parents had their savings completely wiped out three times due to hyperinflation. Like many other families in Eastern Europe, my family did not have a financial plan, a brokerage account or a bank account that was used for more than a one-off transaction. I came to the United States with $500. A career in wealth management allowed me to pursue savvy financial skills on the best ways to save, invest and plan for my goals, retirement and support of my family. I was hungry for knowledge and I saw my financial picture improve over time. I spent the first part of my career at Morgan Stanley in Boston working with high net worth groups servicing business owners and top executives. I then relocated to Morgan Stanley’s New York City office to join a team with 1.7 billion in assets (as of 2019) as a Registered Associate, Portfolio Management Associate and Syndicate Coordinator. From there, I rapidly climbed to the position of Financial Advisor and began establishing my own book of business. While I was working on building my book of business I saw so many challenges. I saw a lack of services for travel-loving young business owners and professionals who were in the process of building their wealth. I noticed that people who were going through life transitions such as starting a business, family or changing a job were not fully aware of all the variables that they should be considering. Also, after years of mentoring university students and young professionals, I noticed a general lack of financial literacy amongst young adults. The solution is better financial habits. Applying well known to a high-net-worth world wealth planning strategies early in life can save thousands in debt interest and taxes. Some people have parents or family members who help them learn. But others, like myself, had to learn for themselves. The process of starting can be scary and expensive when you don’t know where to begin. I want every person out there to build a better and more confident life. And thus, NewGen Wealth Creation® was born. I launched NWC in 2022 to help travel-loving young professionals and business owners experience their money throughout their life and not just in retirement. NewGen is designed for people with different levels of wealth. Our programs were created to open the door to affordable and modern financial planning designed to create a solid wealth foundation to build on."

" Helping young professionals and business owners to build wealth foundation early in life to save thousands on fees, debt interest and taxes. "

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NewGen Wealth Creation

Wealth Management

Financial Planning Specialist 

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